Frequently Asked Questions

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What is ACH?

The Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer is a safe, reliable form of electronic fund transfer directly bank to bank.
ACH is the way over 93% of Americans get paid through direct deposit or you move money direct to your bank account from a mobile wallet like PayPal, Venmo or CashApp. Over 40% of B2B payments are over ACH.
Over $55.8 trillion was moved on ACH in 2019.
To read more, check out this article.

What data does GrailPay collect?

In order for us to protect against fraud and process your transaction, GrailPay may collect:

  • Business Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Account and Routing
  • Number
  • Business owner details (Such as name, date of birth, address, SSN)
  • Accounting data for underwriting

Please read further in our Privacy Policy for the details on how we handle information.

Is GrailPay safe and secure?

GrailPay values your privacy & security and the privacy & security of your customers. Our practices include:

  • Two-factor authentication
  • Identity verification
  • Encryption
  • Secure bank linking partners

GrailPay also rides on SOC 2-certified infrastructure. GrailPay is undergoing SOC 2 audit to demonstrate we take data security to be of utmost importance.
Check out this article to learn more on SOC 2.

What banks do you accept?

All major US banks and most regional banks are accepted by our system.
In the GrailPay bank linking experience, a user may search for their preferred bank and link their bank account to GrailPay simply by using their login information.
Why was a transaction blocked by GrailPay?
GrailPay utilizes a variety of fraud-prevention tools to validate every transaction. If GrailPay blocked a transaction, this was likely because our fraud-prevention system flagged the transaction.
If you believe your transaction was wrongfully flagged, please reach out to

Who is Grasshopper Bank?

Grasshopper Bank grants GrailPay the necessary financial and regulatory requirements in order to process ACH transactions.
Essentially, Grasshopper Bank initiates ACH transactions on behalf of GrailPay, adhering to the highest levels of data security and privacy.
Grasshopper Bank powers much of the small business ecosystem and has partners across the financial technology space.

Where can I find GrailPay’s Privacy Policy?

You can find GrailPay’s Privacy Policy here.
Email if you have any questions

Where can I find GrailPay’s Terms of Use?

Click for GrailPay’s Terms of Use .
Email if you have any questions.

What is Yodlee, MX, or Plaid?

Businesses need a safe, secure, and easy way to link their bank account to GrailPay and pay directly from their bank accounts.
Yodlee, MX, and Plaid provide fast, efficient, secure online account verification and bank account data. GrailPay uses all of these “aggregators” and smart routes between them to ensure the highest quality connection to a bank account.

Why was a transaction blocked by GrailPay?

GrailPay utilizes a variety of fraud-prevention tools to validate every transaction. If GrailPay blocked a transaction, this was likely because our fraud-prevention system flagged the transaction.

If you believe your transaction was wrongfully flagged, please reach out to